Monday, September 30, 2019

What Role Does Language and Language Diversity Play in the Critical Thinking Process?

Language is one of the greatest tools for people. Through languages we are able to communicate with other people through our sadness, joy, anger and confusion. When there are two people, it is inevitable that our lines will cross and how it resolves depends on communication. Language helps us organize what we wish to tell the other person. When we don’t know the language well enough, we experience difficulty in understanding each other. Furthermore, it is widely held that knowing more language widens our understanding of our experiences. Part of the reason is because when you learn new languages, you learn the culture that comes with it. For example, we cannot fully learn the Korean language without know in the culture. In the learning process, we must learn the culture within the language itself. We also need to be aware that some words do not translate to other language. In that case, we have to think critically on how we could describe in the best way to communicate. As we do that, we acquire more skill in communicating to another, such as considering what the other person might be experiencing. Language and language diversity play a big part in organizing, summarizing, and most importantly responding to the whole process of critical thinking. In critical thinking, communication is the outcome and language obviously is a big part of communication. Communication requires understanding. As I introduced, language is designed so that we can communicate for understanding what and how we feel. Using visual language such as gestures, signs, and pictures also helps with the process of understanding. Interestingly, words have ambiguous meanings based on the different contexts. It is very important to be able to recognize the context in which the word is used in order that there will be clear critical thinking. I believe that language empowers or limits the expression of our thoughts, however I also know that we have emotions that are very difficult to describe. With a lack of vocabulary, we can have a very difficult time in expressing our true thoughts and feelings. Language is made so that we can communicate our emotions within ourselves, and if it is difficult to deliver that precise message, it has the power to enhance or limit the expression of our thoughts. For instance, if I was to speak with a person who speaks a different language, it will be difficult to deliver the a clear message because of the language barrier. The only thing that could help in the situation is the personal knowledge of the language. If we know the multiple meanings of words and the background of the person you are speaking to, we probably could define terms carefully and position our words correctly. Critical thinking could be the most important role in process of persuasion. First, we have to examine and evaluate the situation from several different points of view in order to establish our opinion. This is very similar to the step of selection in critical thinking. Then, we need to collect the source that supports the opinion. This will help greatly when summarizing the conclusion. In the next step, critical thinking will be used again as we need to realize the importance of understanding the issues. One of the most important aspects that we need to be aware of in persuasion is to understand what the other person is thinking for the purpose of better persuasion. Lastly, we need to summarize the game plan, in other words, how you will present according to the opinion and logical analysis with relevant sources. As I describe this step by step, I am convinced that critical thinking holds a crucial role in persuasion. It is essential to be aware of the power of language. It allows us to communicate and understand to advance in our society. Knowledge will also be passed on through language, and when you combine that knowledge with critical thinking, it will widen your understanding to be able to communicate with different people. When language empowers or limits the expression of our thoughts, we need to think critically to seek for the words that might be able to tell the other person what you really feel. Lastly, persuasion can be interfered by the emotions. We need to maintain within critical thinking to be able to analyze logically. If we do not use the language properly, it will cause misunderstanding, hurt, and damages through communications. However, if we know how to use it right and have the better knowledge and understanding, it will help to make this world to a better place.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Immanuel Kant †Philosophy Essay

Immanuel Kant was a German Philosopher who was born on April 22, 1724 in Kaliningrad, Russia. At age 16, he enrolled at the University of Konigsberg where he studied philosophy. Kant is best known for his work in the philosophy of ethics and metaphysics, but he made significant contributions to other disciplines. He made an important astronomical discovery, namely a discovery about the nature of the Earth’s rotation, for which he won the Berlin Academy Prize in 1754. Kant developed his moral philosophy in three works: Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals, Critique of Practical Reason, and Metaphysics of Morals. Immanuel Kant’s contribution to our study of business ethics is mainly noted in Chapter 4 of the textbook: Moral Duty, Rights, and Justice. Kent talks about the Categorical Imperative. Categorical imperatives are principles that are intrinsically valid; they are good in and of themselves; they must be obeyed by all, in all situations and circumstances, if our behavior is to observe the moral law. Kant stated that the moral means and ends can be applied to the categorical imperative, that rational beings can pursue certain â€Å"ends† using the appropriate â€Å"means†. The categorical imperative may be based only on something that is an â€Å"end in itself†. That is, an end that is a means only to itself and not to some other need, desire, or purpose. Kant believed that if an action is not done with the motive of duty, then it is without moral value. Every action should have pure intention behind it; otherwise it was meaningless. The categorical imperative has three formulations that Kant enumerated about moral. These stated the three formal conditions that an action must have if it is to be a moral action. The first formulation states that for an action to be a moral action, it must be amenable to being made consistently universal. The second formulation states that for an action to be a moral action, it must respect rational beings as ends in themselves. The third formulation states that for an action to be a moral action, it must stem from, and respect, the autonomy of rational beings. These three formulations explains to us what it means to be a rational being. Kant also talks about the hypothetical imperative. It states that an action should be done if, one wishes to achieve a certain end. An example would be if you want to do well in sports, then you must practice! If you want to get promoted in your job, then you must work hard! Kant thinks our actions only have moral worth and deserve esteem when they are motivated by duty. Kant also believed that an action from duty has its moral worth not in the purpose to be attained by it but in the maxim in accordance with which it is decided upon, and therefore does not depend upon the realization of the object of the action but merely upon the principle of volition in accordance with which the action is done without regard for any object of the faculty of desire. References: 1. DeGeorge, Richard T. , 2010 Business Ethics, 63-64 2. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Immanuel_Kant#Moral_philosophy.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Alice in wonderland belonging

Alice in Wonderland is a well-known film produced in 1951. A remade modern version of the movie was made in 2010. The movie is an American live action/computer animated fantasy film directed by Tim Burton. It was released by Walt Disney Pictures, one of Hollywood’s â€Å"Big Six† film studios, and film stars including Johnny Depp, Mia Wasikowska, Helena Bonham Carter and Anne Hathaway. The movie is based on a nineteen year old girl named Alice going onto an audacious adventure. Alice has been confronted by an unwanted marriage proposal to a man, not knowing of how to reply, Alice gets overwhelmed and runs away following a rabbit in a blue waistcoat, and accidentally falls into a large rabbit hole, where she finds herself into another dimension called Wonderland. She gets greeted by a White Rabbit, a Dormouse, the Dodo, the Tall Flowers and Tweedledum and Tweedledee. They argue over her identity as being â€Å"the right Alice†, which legend says that she is somewhat supposed to slay the Red Queen Jabberwocky and restore the White Queen to power. Alice walks towards the Red Queen’s castle. The Red Queen welcomes Alice into her castle and shows Alice the Vorpal Sword (the only weapon capable of killing the Jabberwocky), not knowing that she is the chosen one to slay her Jabberwocky restoring peace to the land. Alice later then manages to retrieve the sword and gets caught by the Bandersnatch, a terrifying beastly creature. She runs away and hands over the sword to the White Queen. Word gets around that the White Queen has possession of the sword handed by Alice, and a rebellious war goes down. Both armies of the White Queen and The Red Queen prepare for battle. Alice later on manages to kill the Jabberwocky and peace is restored to the land. From the purple blood of the dead Jabberwocky, Alice uses it to magically return home. She promises to come back and visit again, like she had thirteen years back. Alice returns home and makes a pledge to her family to live life on her own terms. 1. There are numerous aspects of belonging being represented in the text ‘Alice in Wonderland’. One main aspect in the film ‘Alice in Wonderland’ that is being represented to belonging is, when Alice goes onto a mysterious journey in search of a destination where she truly felt she belonged as a child. Alice is being accepted in to the Wonderland which makes her feel belonged and allows her to get a better understanding about her situation in reality. The adventure she goes on, allows her to make many choices of her own and where she has to make a final decision to define who she is and who she wants to become in the real world. 2. Belonging is important to how we find our own identity within ourselves and our place with individuals. It is a connection to people, places, groups, communities and the wider world. Belonging can provide a sense of acceptance, security and completion. Nevertheless, the process of belonging may not always be depicted as a positive aspect. It can also lead to the exclusion or segregation of individuals due to obstacles that delay efforts to belong. The Depiction of belonging is similar to our core text â€Å"The Secret River†, as it has been shown throughout the whole text. An example of this is how both the Indigenous Australians and the English settlers both feel that they either own or belong to the land. As noted on page 93, â€Å"There were no signs that the blacks felt that the place belonged to them. They had no fences that said this is mine. No house that said, this is our home. There were no fields or flocks that said, we have put the labour of our hands into this place. † This quotation demonstrates how the English settlers have no understanding of ownership from the Aboriginal idea that they and the land are one. The Aboriginal people believed that the land was not something that could be retailed or negotiated away. The Indigenous Australians had cared, cherished and lived harmoniously with the land, while on the other hand, the British colonists saw no reason not to take the land and resources of the Aboriginals because they did not place any signs of them owning the land or any property. The Western had built permanent structures and plants out crops on fields as the Aborigines had not invested in the land. It was believed that someone who did not do labour on the land or developed its resources were not considered to own that land. The Indigenous Australians had felt the firmness of the land beneath their feet and knew that the land belonged to them, and that they belonged to it. The Depiction of belonging is similar to â€Å"The Secret River† as it has shown belonging in numerous ways throughout the text by demonstrating who owns the land and who does the land belong to. 3. There are many language techniques used throughout the film ‘Alice in Wonderland’ to communicate the idea of belonging. These would include symbolism, metaphors and similes. Symbolism is used in the text where Alice goes through a variety of absurd physical changes to her body. She feels traumatic and sorrow for never being the right size. This acts as a symbol for the changes a child may feel as her body grows and changes during puberty. Alice struggles to uphold a comfortable physical size. As stated in In Chapter 1, Well, Ill eat it, said Alice, and if it makes me grow larger, I can reach the key; and if it makes me grow smaller, I can creep under the door: so either way Ill get into the garden and I dont care which happens! She ate a little bit, and said anxiously to herself, Which way? Which way? † holding her hand on top of her head to feel which way it was growing; and she was quite surprised to find that she remained the same size. † This quotation shows that Alice is feeling miserable, frustrated and stressed when she keeps finding herself too big or too small to enter the garden. The use of symbolism used in this example demonstrates that it represents an abstract idea of Alice feeling irritated, traumatic and the act of not belonging. Another language technique that was used in the text is Metaphors. A Metaphor is a figure of speech comprising an implied contrast, in which a word or phrase normally is used of one thing is applied to another. †Down the rabbit hole† is a quotation from the film Alice in Wonderland. It is now a famous and most commonly used metaphor symbolising everything from exploring a new and unknown world to taking hallucinogenic drugs intending to explore through philosophical and existential thinking. In the film ‘Alice in Wonderland’, the rabbit hole is the place where all her adventures begins. It was Alices thoughtless decision to follow the White Rabbit that lead to all of her escapades. Lastly, the use of similes was used in the film. At the beginning of the film, Alice refers to telescopes. She wishes that she could â€Å"shut up like a telescope†, as well as other people too. The quote is intending that Alice wants to shut up, but keeps opening and shutting her mouth as to the ability to reduce a telescope’s size by collapsing its moving parts. She also expresses the craving and ability to shrink or grow as effortlessly as she would extend or contract a telescope. The use of simile is important because it conveys a distinctive and fascinating, thought to the audience by comparing it to something with which the reader is familiar of. In conclusion, the use of symbolism, metaphors and similes used in the film ‘Alice in Wonderland’ by the composer to communicate the idea of belonging is shown throughout the text is effective as it gives the audience a real, vivid image in their mind.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Aircraft Maintenance and Structures Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Aircraft Maintenance and Structures - Assignment Example The ability to withstand this weight depends entirely on its maximum landing weight and maximum take-off weight. The main reason for its weight check is to determine the basic empty weight and determine where and how it balances on these conditions. This is also achieved by determining the empty weight and centre of gravity (GüEmes 2006, 47). Being a cumbersome exercise to undertake, especially its either wings or tail dragger, there might be need to determine the middle of gravity and balancing the aircraft might necessitates the need for extra support, this weights that are used to support in the actual weighing process must be exempted from the weight of the plane by determining the tare weight. This is the final weight of all equipment’s that are used up the machine and deducting the weight of the supporting tools to arrive at the actual aircraft weight (Baker et al 2012, 45). The centre of gravity being at a point next to the datum on helicopters and small aircraft, the larger planes middle of gravity is determined in relation to the size of its wings. The wing being the width and the leading and the trailing edge is factored to determine the mean aerodynamic chord and aid in determining the midpoint of gravity too. In the attempt to weigh the aircraft and determine its centre of gravity, a technical responsibility is taken. This is access to information for the purpose of balance and weighs data. This includes aircraft specifications, aircraft operation limit, aircraft flight manual, aircraft weight and balance report and aircraft type certificate data sheet (GüEmes 2006, 57). Before releasing an aircraft to an operation, there are several documents which need to be consulted and fully taken into consideration. Pilot operating handbook gives one of the basic requirements that must be fully adhered before the plane is released to the field to carry its routine (Pardalos et al 2009, 330).  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Wageningen Imares Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Wageningen Imares - Essay Example The works and services of the company should focus on challenging scientific topics like the toxicity in the soil due to continuous cultivation of prawns and fisheries in the lands near and far from the sea. 1 Expertise of the company in computer simulation of modeling of the sustainable fisheries, marine ecosystems, development of Marine Protected Areas, environmental risk assessment and development of new forms of aquaculture can help the European countries and China to develop expertise in fresh water and salt water fisheries. The works of the company should be according to European environmental laws and should avoid environmental contaminants. As the company is concentrating both on Europe and China the management has to derive different methods of research as the atmosphere and climate of China are different than that of Europe. This makes the company to study about the atmosphere of the China and the knowledge of the company useful in that climate. The company can take collaboration with the local companies in China that supply feed to the fisheries industries to know the causes for the pollution that is a consequence of cultivation of fish and prawns. Instead of that the company c an derive easy methods that help the administrations of Europe and China to make the fishing easy in the sea. For some of the European countries that have very less sea coast, the company can develop the methods that are useful for fresh water fish and prawn cultivation away from the sea coast. The methods of the company should be in a way to save the fertility of the soil from the chemicals used in the feed of the fish and prawn in fresh water areas. These make the soil and air in that area polluted and company can concentrate on developing methods to avoid or minimize them.2 Question 2 The second task is about the profitability of services. In the first question the strategy has been outlined and the commercial nature of the services and products of the company is not mentioned. This should be done to sustain the economic growth of the company once it enters the market of Europe and China regarding sustainable fisheries, marine ecosystems, development of Marine Protected Areas, environmental risk assessment and development of new forms of aquaculture. The topics considered here are profitability of services, products and markets. The markets considered in the first question are Europe and China. If the company wants to extend, it is another issue. So as per the context the market areas are Europe and China. Considering the services, the company should concentrate on offering the maintenance of marine eco systems development of marine protected areas and developing the new forms of aquaculture. In the first two; the marine eco systems development and marine protecte d areas, the company works with administrations of the country it is working on. The administrations or governments have to pay for the company for developing marine eco systems and marine protected areas. Thus the company can enter into that country and can offer its services and products to the aqua farmers in that country. The third aspect considered in this question is products. The products of the company can be a feed for the fresh water fisheries that do not pollute the environment and soil in which the fisheries operate. Regarding R&D, the company shou

Indian Cuisine Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Indian Cuisine - Research Paper Example Although India is famous for its spices, some of its most important spices, including a few that are fundamental not only to cuisine but also to local healing traditions, are exotic. They include turmeric, garlic, ginger, fenugreek, asafetida, and cinnamon. Certain cultural perspectives contribute to India’s diversity and uniqueness in the matter of food (Nandy, 11). Contemporary forces of international business integration have picked up the themes of food as a social rite and food as health. This is to reorganize and formalize the cuisines of all nations in relation to the global needs (9). These advances have stimulated subtle transformations in the cultural features and significance of Indian cuisines. These changes take place regularly outside the array of vision of ethnographers, journalists and nutritionists writing on food or restaurants. Moreover, the conventional ethnographic concerns of food have fused now with a modern, more fluid politics of food in India. These ethnographic concerns of food include the uncontaminated and the impure, commensality and its absence, the cooked and the raw as well as the sanctified and the sacrilegious (Nandy, 10). Unique aspects of the Indian cuisine There are strict rules governing good eating habits in India. One is only allowed to use the right hand during eating. In addition, the palm of the hand should remain dry and clean as only the fingers are used. It considered a poor form of eating to let curry to dribble down the arm. It is right to use the right hand to tear off the pieces of chapatti and wrap them around vegetables and pickles, or use them to scoop curry into one's mouth. Mostly, when one mixes rice with other food, he uses the fingers to eat. Although some people will use a spoon for the accompanying curry, it is not the norm since service of most meals does not include any cutlery. The main use of the left hand is to drink water, to wave away the flies or to help oneself to more food. There is no more use of the right hand after one has started eating because that would be polluting the food everyone will serve from the common pot (Dandekar, 41). India is popular for spices an d herbs, and this greatly contributes to the choice of spices to use during cooking. Most of these spices are chosen mainly because of their medicinal values rather than for flavor. Many of them aid in digestion while others are antiseptic. In addition, most of these spices used in Indian food do not make the food too bland (3). On the other hand, these spices give trace amounts of antioxidants or other chemicals that help in digestion. Others act as effective mouth fresheners that prevent heartburn, curb nausea and help in digestion (Dubey, 4). The most common spice in India especially the southern region is Cumin. In addition, there is use of fruits, which are fried or dry-roasted before usage. Cumin fried in ghee usually flavor the seeds form a crucial part of curry powder and legumes particularly lentils by. The mixture of cumin is set up to savor its sweet and aromatic flavor (Kumar, 49). In recent decades, the South Indian food creations like vada, uthappam, dosai and idli hav e partially outdone the colonial fast food preparations in popularity. In fact, when one talks about Indian fast food, these are the food items that first come to one’

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Research paper Critique Of Human Resource Managment Essay

Research paper Critique Of Human Resource Managment - Essay Example Secondly, is the complete documentation of data and methodology, which could be made available to other researchers upon request, thus enabling others the opportunity to test the viability of research results, critique a research or establish statistical measures of reliability of the research results (Polit et al, 2001; Bozinovski, 1995). Research in the field of International Human Resources Management is intended to expand what is known in the practice of Human Resources (HR), empower the professional HR manager to capably foresee and manage the complex and constantly changing challenges facing the human resources management, as this is paramount for the continuous relevance of human resources management as a tool for achieving the developmental and market competitive goals of firms and companies, in the emerging global market (Parahoo, 1997). Critiquing a research work, therefore, involves a caref... The purpose of this paper is to critically analyse a chosen piece of human resources management research report titled 'The Impact Of Human Resource Management Practices On The Implementation Of Total Quality Management: An Empirical Study On High-Tech Firms' a recent paper presented earlier this year by Ching-Chow Yang (2006) and published in the TQM Magazine Vol. 18 No. 2, pp. 162-173. Generally, the research paper looks into what relationship exists, if any, between Human Resources practices and the implementation of Total Quality Management (TQM). This is reportedly, due to the high failure rate in the implementation of TQM despite its perceived numerous benefits in generating improved quality and efficiency, increasing customer satisfaction and market competitiveness. The researcher argue that, although, this high failure rate of TQM implementation has been attributed to the fact that companies and firms place little importance on human resources management, as it affects TQM, little or no empirical research efforts exists to back up this argument. This has therefore given rise to the necessity of the research at hand. Objectively evaluated, this appears to be a reasonable premise upon which the research effort is based, thus enhancing the utility of such a research results for the implementation of TQM and improvements of human resources practices. As suggested by Stevens et al. (1993), this research therefore fulfils the requirement of adding to knowledge and expanding what is already known in the field of enquiry. Research Structure Quoting Confucius, Farh et al. (2005) stated that "a mechanic who wishes to do his work well must first sharpen his tools." They explained that when conducting high quality empirical

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Carriage of Goods by Sea Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Carriage of Goods by Sea Act - Essay Example These exceptions exist, in order to protect the carrier from being liable for the loss of the goods in dire circumstances. Such exceptions protect the carrier to the extent of their ability to prove that it was indeed necessary to lose the goods at sea. I agree with the exceptions because they only operate at sea, where such issues could arise, such as sea perils that could force the carrier to lose the goods. In addition, I concur because the carrier has to prove the reasons for the loss of goods, failure to which they become liable for the loss (Anton, 2010). Therefore, the exceptions are fair to all the parties involved. The lack of a defibrillator is an event external to the passenger because it shows negligence on the part of the airline. However, the installation of the equipment is expensive and airlines have become reluctant in the installation. Bob’s case shows negligence as a defibrillator is a part of medical equipment necessary for in-flight emergencies. It is an unexpected event because the airline did not have a compelling reason to incorporate the defibrillator in its medical equipment. Such cases as Bob’s occur rarely, however, it is the responsibility of any airline to ensure the safety of passengers. It is the responsibility of an airline to determine the medical conditions of its passengers (Anca, 2007). However, Bob’s case was unexpected and the airline could take an action of installing defibrillators to avoid a repeat of such cases. Therefore, the company is not responsible for Bob’s death.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Social Performance of Organizations Research Paper

Social Performance of Organizations - Research Paper Example 3. Five ways in which the primary stakeholders can influence the organization financial performance 6 4. One (1) controversial corporate social responsibility concern associated with De Beers Company 8 5. Assuming you are the leader of the most influential stakeholder group, outline a plan to form a stakeholder coalition to force the organization to address your chosen controversial issue. The plan should include the key steps that you would take to identify members for your coalition group, the major reasons why you believe that the particular target group can help you to accomplish your goal, and the method you would utilize to foster collaboration among the various groups you target.... 8 6. Assume the role as the leader of the most influential stakeholder group, and indicate three potential challenges that you may face in encouraging stakeholders to form a coalition to help you achieve your goals. Suggest the significant steps that you would take in order to overcome these challenges that you have identified. Justify the response. ... 9 The Business structure of De Beers Diamond Co., is a consortium of miners that merged in order create a monopoly on the production of all diamonds coming out of South Africa. Image below shows diamonds production in 2003 showing featuring Botswana to be the largest diamond producer in the world. Botswana is the biggest source of diamond supply of De Beers. Mergers and acquisitions has been the type of its business structure since it was formed. Its products are rough diamonds. In later years, the company ventured into miniature jewelries

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Book Response Burned by Ellen Hopkins Essay Example for Free

Book Response Burned by Ellen Hopkins Essay Burned written by Ellen Hopkins Is a great novel, and worth the time to read. Burned is about a teen girl who was born and raised a Mormon; Pattyn Von Stratten she is like most teenagers growing up. Her family is extremely religious but in the same prospective her father is a drunk and very abusive. Pattyn is tired of living the fairytale of a Mormon lifestyle and ready to be energized with her own free spirit and way of life. Pattyn slowly starts to rebel against her family, school, church. While her father spends most of his time drunk; its left up to her mother to take care of the house hold and make sure everything is all in perfect running order to not upset Pattyn’s father. Pattyn begins rebelling even more so than she thought it would go. She gets suspended from school and gets sent to live with her aunt who she doesn’t even know. This is the beginning of it all the worst mistake her father could have made and where Pattyn makes decisions that are about to change her life completely. Pattyn soon falls in love with a boy names Ethan who she is bound to be attached to. Pattyn doesn’t see it but she is headed down the complete wrong path and when all she wanted is attention she’s going to get much more attention that she has intended to get. Ellen Hopkins is showing the themes of abuse and dysfunctional relationship, Pattyn’s father is an abusive drunk. I also think Hopkins is showing the theme of growing up and finding your destiny and who you are, when Pattyn is sent to live with her aunt in Nevada and basically create a whole new agenda for herself. Along with dysfunctional relationship, she’s displaying what love is like, too, when the character falls in love. I think she’s trying to prove that life doesn’t always go as planned and you have to work yourself around the problems that you find in life, and bad decision could change your life forever. I believe the main purpose of the novel is to reach out to teens. Ellen Hopkins expresses many different themes in her novel but one main theme I believe is im portant is physiological. Pattyn goes through many different stages of growing up and expressing her true self. She becomes more social with guys and becomes more of a social butterfly then the Mormon nerd she used to be. Pattyn lashes out and rebels against her family and church in many different ways. When Pattyn is set to live with her aunt she meets a boy and which she ends up in a relationship. Pattyn starts growing up and learning more about her sexual self and starts dreaming about all the what if’s. Pattyn starts to experiment with her new boyfriend Ethan and when she goes back home she shares the secret to her family that she is pregnant. Attempting to escape her fathers wrath, Pattyn and Ethan take off for California, unaware that Trevor, a perfect Mormon child who loved Pattyn, has written down the cars license plate number. When her father finds out, he calls his Highway patrolman friend to track them down, to find them on an icy road. Ethan speeds up in attempt to lose the patrolman, but loses control of his car and crashes. Pattyn wakes up in the hospital, to find out that both Ethan and their baby are dead. Her father disowns her, unable to bear the recent events. Pattyn is left with a life changing decision in the end; shoot and kill all those who caused her pain and Ethan and their babys deaths, or move on? Pattyn states that if her father would just say he loved her she would spare him. Ellen Hopkins is an amazing author and has a unbelievable way of relating to teens. Burned is just one of her fabulous novels all having a great meaning to the lives of teens. If I was asked if I would recommend Ellen Hopkins novels I would say she has a great way of reach out to teens in her books and educating them in a non-boring way and I enjoy reading and looking forward to any novel she creates.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Advantages Of The Recycling Process

Advantages Of The Recycling Process As the word recycling denotes to, it involves a process in which used materials are processed chemically or by a scientific processes or organically into new products for further use, which comes as the useful material out of the waste. There are many kinds of recycling process being initiated, be it paper recycling, plastic recycling, garbage recycling, to name a few among the common features of recycling process involved. The need that arises to recycle used material and products, be it plastics, garbages etc is significant in a sense given that environmental concerns and the impact of used material to be precise has had a detrimental effect on the environment. Environmentalists are very much in favor of the recycling concepts, given that it adds ups to the environmental cause and the benefits are tremendous. There are many advantages of the recycling process involved for material or any matter thereof. The significance and importance of recycling process also cannot just be sided apart and brushed inside the carpet. Many prominent personalities and global leader are also very much in favor of recycling concepts and measures initiated in that regard. To top it all, with scientific and technological advancement, the process of recycling also have been made easier and convenient enough to derive the best out of every measured undertaken and in a sense to produce fresh material out of the material already in use. The cost involved also is lesser with long term benefits; ecologically that is initiated through sustainable measures. Purpose and Issue The subject matter in generic when it concern to recycling is a huge avenue to explore upon, literally. There are bundles of materials and coverage that defines the many faces of recycling process, its advantages, disadvantages, significance and all in between the feature that stand aloof from the ordinary. What is particular to recycling can be analyzed from different lenses. Generally, recycling has a greater impact today than ever before. The subject matter of its discussion and pointer for arguments also is a heated topic, either in the academic, political and environmental groups and their circles. Emphasizing in respect of the subject matter in discussion, it should be clarified herein that the purpose of this report is to define the many aspects of recycling in general and what makes it so important and significant in the contemporary world today. Issue that is interrelated to the subject matter also can be analyzed from an objective perspective. Take for instance the concern being raised for garbage and waste disposal that are generated and garbage management process involved that harms the environment and its surrounding. In another instance, question that also arises can be bracketed towards material and products that are being used haphazardly and disposed off unnecessarily. Yet there is every purpose to be identified that may be significant to counterview the essence of recycling, and everything involved in it. In that capacity and in context of recycling in general, the question and purpose of this report is to define and extrapolate the following questions in general as can be summarized below:- What defines the nature and significance of recycling in general? How can recycling be achieved for its designated purpose and benefits to be generated in that regard? Does the question of recycling in general readily register with the public domains? If that is the case then how, and why not if it is otherwise? Does recycling takes shapes only from the environmental concern being raised in the materialistic world that we live in? Above all, what are the features in substance involving recycling? How are recycling process achieved, and what are the different aspects of recycling? In general, and in particular to this question, recycling can be of many different types. Take for instance paper recycling, plastic recycling, e-material waste recycling to name a few among its class, which involves different tactics and scientific process involved to achieve the desired goals of recycling as a measure for environmental benefits. Considering these question in general, it should be clarified that this report attempts to extrapolate the many aspects of recycling process in general in consideration of the above-mentioned question, which is discussed as follows. Defining the Nature and Significance of Recycling Looking back as to where recycling and its concepts originated is hard to trace and is based on speculation, although people have been recycling material and products one or the other way since longtime back. And the concept of recycling is not a new altogether. But its impact and that which register readily with the public is felt with greater force in the contemporary context. To start with in this regard specific to this part of the discussion, experts and scholars are of the opinion that nature possesses a tremendous capacity to recycle several categories of waste by biodegradation aided by decomposer organism on earth. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 43) This is true in a sense, given that recycling process at best can be aided by the process of biodegradation. Yet there are certain things that biodegradations at times make it hard to reach the salient objective of recycling processes, that also for certain material and products and that which calls for technology and scientific advancement. Nonetheless, with scientific and technological advancements today, recycling process can be aided and facilitated accordingly in reaping the results that has a greater impact to make a change and stabilize the negative effects of waste materials that are generated daily in huge capacity by people across the globe and their activities. Going back to the nature of recycling, it should be looked into the encompassing facts that several municipal and as well as solid industrial waste have the potential to be recycled, where the call of the time is for appropriate technology. The good news although is that new technique are being maximized considerably to make the recycling process worth enough in recovering materials that maybe useful for further use after processing, rather than going to the landfill. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 43) In this respect, we can reason that recycling process has a greater significance than ever before. As a matter of fact, people around the globe today also are harnessing the best out of what technology has to offer and making the best use of it to recycle waste products and garbages into some useful materials as byproducts. Moreover, a point to consider again when it matter to recycling concepts in general is that its impact and awareness is being felt greatly in the current scenario. Add to it, the good news is that the growth for market for many classes of recycling material is due in part due to policy incentives, but also to more general conditions. (OECD, 2006, p. 11) Questions being raised by policy makers and environmentalist alike when it concerns the environment also counter point the salient instance for recycling and its initiative. The need to facilitate a habitual cause showered a way as well to be precise, where recycling and its processes is the call of the hour as an urgent measure to keep the environment in check from distracting elements. In context of the above notion and its arguments, what we can reason again is the fact that many cases and causes of recycling and its development process take roots under instances and measures initiated by public authority for a solution that seeks and attempts to reach a conclusion that is beneficial, (OECD, 2006, p. 11) for the environment, the society and feeding the ever increasing needs of the materialistic society that we live in today. To conclude in this regard, attending to the need of the society for material and products can be reasoned again to be good enough to be reached through recycling process, where waste materials are processed as byproducts, either be it for paper, e-waste, garbages etc through measures wherein recycling assist and further expands the very notion of ecological measures and sustainable development process in the contemporary society today. Environmental Concerns and the many face of Recycling In each and every instance when it matter to the subject matter arguments, environmental concerns and its features have always make a mark to claims a place of contention in between to derive astonishing discussion in the society. Measure initiated accordingly and in respect to derive best available solutions towards the hazard of waste material is also one pointer to put into force for a constructive solution through recycling processes. In respect of the abovementioned pointer, the need for recycling also can be looked again not only to the environmental concerns alone, but also towards public health and safety in regard. The best example in that capacity also can be emphasized and measured in contention towards industrial waste such as chemicals and their source activity that posit greater hazards (DIANEPublishingCompany, 1996, p. 33) to the environment as well to the society and public health in the forms of insecticides, herbicides, chemical paints, waste and harmful construction materials, waste oils, which carry within them a residue that is harmful and can impact the environment negatively in many ways. (DIANEPublishingCompany, 1996, p. 33) Hence, concerns being raised are not unnecessarily. The objective to define the features of recycling also can be put into force the practicality of the process involved overall in seeking a solution that is effective ad has greater benefits for the society today. What have been the crucial development that brought about the necessary measures in context of recycling processes are the features that relates towards waste material management itself and the concern being raised and options available in that regard. There is every point to note the fact from an ecological perspective, wherein the concerns have been over the effect of human actions on the environment, (Robert V. Percival, 1997, p. 3) which is a matter of fact. Increasing human activities in the societies have brought about many changes that have impacted the environment drastically. Moreover, waste that are generated daily that amount to millions of tons are finding it hard to find a landfill. The sad state is that the materialistic world that we live in further makes the issue of waste and its generation worse in a sense. Its something that goes like the adage something lost in translation. Yet solutions are there, but with least effect given the development stages and ever increasing wants of humans. Considering these crucial aspects and the critical issue of waste and its environmental impact, the questions that can be been raised again as a matter of fact is where to put up all the waste material generated daily apart from the recycling process for certain waste materials. The hard fact is that people and the society today have found themselves in situations where it reached a stage of declining of landfills, wherein the features of it reflect many factors in context of recycling as a necessary measure to be undertaken. To top it all, the fact that is relevant also can be emphasized again to the question and its arguments being raised to many aspects of waste material and garbages landfills that have been closed as they pose unacceptable environmental risks related to locations, designs, operations and most importantly because such landfills have filled up, (Richard A. Denison, 1990, p. 4) where a solution to such concern and problems are being initiated in context of recycling waste and other materials for a solution that also facilitate an environmental cause. Yet the development process in that regard is heading in a snail pace, despite the many measure being taken towards environmental concerns and the need for recycling for a lasting and relevant solution. An Exemplification of Recycling Types and their Benefits In general and looking at the concerns being raised towards waste material, we are of the opinion that there are many forms and formats of recycling processes and their types to differentiate upon. Take for example recycling process initiated toward paper, plastic, e-waste, metals and glasses and the environmental benefits that can be derived to be precise in each one of it. Plastic as we know of are one of the many hazards thats posits harmful and negative ecological impact. Take for example the fact that it would be hard to imagine a modern society today without plastic, given that plastic have found itself a place in myriad uses in fields as diverse as home appliances, construction, medicines, and packaging, (Goodship, 2007, p. 5) to name a few of its many uses that human cannot do away with or without. Hence the effect of its waste on the environment is also greater, and posits many risks and health concerns. As a matter of fact, the benefits from recycled plastic to be precise are tremendous. Generally, plastic are made from crude oil, hence recycling of plastic waste material further assist in conserving the natural resource in the form of crude oil, (Goodship, 2007, p. 5) feels experts. Looking back to this notion and reflecting the measure being initiated, we are of the opinion that the need for appropriate technology always make a mark to claim a place in instances as detailed above, given that several municipal and industrial waste has the potential to be recycled and processed for further use, and in that respect the need of the hour is appropriate technology for recycling, each one the suits specific purpose. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 43) To cite an example again when it concern to recycling; especially paper recycling, we are of the opinion that paper recycling and the benefits of it can be measured in great many ways, given that out of new paper, hard cardboard, and other high grade paper that are recycled, by products can be generated in the form of new material that are recovered by the application of available technology for use again in the most effective way. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 44) Besides, out of paper recycling to be precise and the endeavor made and facilitated in that regard as well, many environmental causes can be kept at check or minimize the same in the most effective ways. The means to look for new paper also does not arise, if cases such as recycling of paper make readily available material for use that can be generated through recycling process. Conclusion What we can finally conclude is that technology, scientific, biological and chemical process comes as the best measure to be reached for each particular recycling measures initiated towards waste materials for a benefit outcomes. Going back and reflecting towards recycling altogether, and reaching a conclusion from an economic perspective, there is reason enough to reflect and to emphasized with the fact that recycling process of any given waste materials has value additions, given that waste has a negative economic and environmental value, and also add up as a big techno-economic problem for the society. (Rajiv K. Sinha, 2008, p. 41) Yet a point to note and the hard fact is that recycling and awareness measure initiated in that regard is good instance considering the issue at stake in aiding and furthering the essence and quality of life in the society for a sustainable solutions.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Marriage in Christina Rossettis Promises Like Pie-Crust and Edgar Alla

Marriage in Rossetti's Promises Like Pie-Crust and Poe's Bridal Ballad  Ã‚      In Christina Rossetti's "Promises Like Pie-Crust" and Edgar Allan Poe's "Bridal Ballad" female speakers encounter the milestone of marriage. Facing strong pressures from society, Rossetti's speaker refuses marriage in three well-reasoned arguments which are veiled in a guise of superciality. Conversely, Poe's speaker accepts marriage, but by the end of the poem realizes the dire consequences of her decision. Rossetti knows what she wants and does not want out of life; subsequently, Rossetti realizes that personal satisfaction and even joy may exist without a man and thus makes the tough decision not to marry. Poe's naive bride trusts in society and marries not out of love but in an attempt to attain happiness. Failing to either examine her inner thoughts or accept her misgivings, Poe's bride remains emotionally unready to marry. A paragon of the nineteenth century woman, Poe's bride, despite her doubts, succumbs to marriage whereas Rossetti's strong-willed speaker vehemently rejects the institution.    Poe's ostensible conformity opposes Rossetti's independent spirit; however, society's pressures affect both women. Poe writes "Bridal Ballad" in 1837 in America while Rossetti writes "Promises Like Pie-Crust" during the Victorian era in England; during both periods society demands that women marry (Mayberry 11).   Referring to the unwedded woman as an "old maid" or "spinster", society reinforces the notion that matrimony alone leads to a contented, blissful state. Born and bred to marry, a woman's disruption of the wed-and-then- procreate cycle engenders not only society's disrespect but also frightening uncertainty for the woman (Mayberry 11). ... ...ed bliss." Emotionally attached to her dead lover, Poe's bride proves her incapability of loving anyone else besides the dead D'Elormie. Citing several valid reasons, Rossetti eschews the decadent dessert while Poe's bride, deafened to reason by society's expectations, ignores Rossetti's arguments, seeks marriage as a panacea, and chokes on her medicine. Works Cited Greenblatt, Stephen, and M. H. Abrams. â€Å"Christina Rossetti.† The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 9th ed. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 2012. 1489-512. Print.   Sova, Dawn B. â€Å"Bridal Ballad†. Critical Companion to Edgar Allan Poe: A Literary Reference to His Life and Work, Critical Companion. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2007. Bloom's Literary Reference Online. Facts On File, Inc. Web. 11 Dec. 2010. CCEAP1298&SingleRecord=True>.

Child Labor Essay examples -- essays research papers

Child Labour Child Labour In the past few years, a great deal of attention has been drawn to the global problem of child labour. Virtually everyone is guilty of participating in this abusive practice through the purchase of goods made in across the globe, usually in poor, developing nations. This issue has been around for a great length of time but has come to the forefront recently because of reports that link well known American companies like Wal-Mart and Nike to the exploitation of children. Prior to this media attention, many Americans and other people in developed nation were blind to the reality of the oppressive conditions that are reality to many. Child Labour has been in existence in different forms from the beginning of time but it wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution that it became the problem it is today. With the arrival of the factory system in the 18th century, Children as young as 5 were being used as workers in England. During this period, a law called the English Poor Act gave the government the responsibility to care for children that had no parents or whose parents were too poor to care for them. Under this law, the government would take these ‘pauper children’ and place them in jobs where they could become apprentices and learn a trade. The law was not usually affective because when the children were handed over to the factory owners, they usually became slaves. Other children were sold by their parents as indentured servants. Children were used to tend to machines in factories and many worked in the dark, damp coalmines, carrying coal on their backs up ladders. Many children would work 10 to 15 hour days with a small break for lunch. On top of this, the children were paid a starvation wages. The problem spread to other industrialized countries including the United States. Massachusetts passed a law in 1836 that required working children to receive some amount of schooling. Connecticut followed in 1842 with a law that created a maximum amount of hours children could work a day in a textile factory. It wasn’t until the Fair Labour Standards Act of 1938 that real progress was made in child labour in the United States. One example of these terrible abuses is the story of Iqbal Masih, a Pakistani child who was forced into labour as a carpet weaver. At the age of four, the boy was sold as an indentured servant to a factory owner for ... ...shops or big factory operations in Egypt unlike Bangladesh or Pakistan. So you cannot classify Egypt and Bangladesh in the same category when it comes to child labour. Family working units are a good thing will continue to exist. But these family working units aren’t suitable to modern products. They are suitable for traditional products such as carpets and garments. The ILO cannot put an end to all the child labour. They don’t have any legal power. They employers sure won’t since they don’t want to increase costs. Some morally conscious employers will but the majority won’t. Then there is the government of the country where the multinational comes from (99.9% of the time American) which can force inspections and could take action against the company. The trade unions are weak and don’t have the funds to do the job. This is also the third world where bribes are an everyday thing. In conclusion I stand against the kind of child labour such as in Bangladesh which. Selling of kids to Big factories is immoral. On the other hand I do support the example set in Egypt and the family work units. They do more good than bad to the economy and save the government a lot of welfare money.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Providing a high and consistent level of care to patients and their families is something that I feel strongly about, and wish to become a part of. Becoming a nurse is far more than going to work and coming home again. To be a great nurse requires certain skills, some of which we are taught, others that we have instilled in us from a young age. These include compassion, sympathy and the ability to treat everyone as equals regardless of background, ethnicity or cultural beliefs. These are not things we are taught in education, but we teach ourselves and learn from others. The ability to provide high quality care should not be compromised. Having to watch a loved one deteriorate in front of your eyes can be heart wrenching, to be able to deal with the situation with the upmost respect is something that needs to be done on a daily basis for people in the medical profession. After leaving school I trained to be a hairdresser as I knew working with people was something I always wanted to do. During this time I was taught the skills required to style peoples hair, however I also gained v...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Pollution and How It Affects Elements within an Environment Essay

The Earth is entirely surrounded by a blanket of air which is called the earth’s atmosphere. The atmosphere allows human, plants, and all the earth’s creatures big and small to exist. The atmosphere protects the earth and without it the heat from the sun would burn all that is exposed to its rays, and we could be frozen by the low temps at night. Gas, particulate matter, odors that have been introduced into the air by mankind or nature can destroy the natural balance, this is pollution. There are Primary pollutants and Secondary pollutants, which we will be covering in this presentation, when pollutants are introduced to/in the air, it travels very easily and spread as well, since we breathe in air, we cannot avoid these toxins or pollutants. The efforts on solutions to the problems regarding pollution has, and will continue to be an issue due to mankind disrespect towards mother-nature. We as human beings breathe in an estimated 20,000 liters of air each day meaning that the more polluted the air is, the more we in hale into our lungs the hazardous chemicals, in London of 1952, â€Å"The Smog Disaster†, claimed the lives of four- thousand people within a few days mainly due to the high levels of concentrations of pollution. In March of 2011, an earthquake in the sea of the coast of Japan also known as a â€Å"Tsunami†, the sea level rose and waters flooded the land damaging four of the six reactors in the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which can be located on the BBC website. The biggest lifetime risks were seen in humans exposed were in the infants, compared to children and the adults. Females who exposed to radiation from this incident which was found in a report that a four percent increase above the lifetime expectancy, were at risk of solid tumors and a six percent increase above that said to be expected of breast cancer. Men/male exposed to the radiation as infants were expected to have seven percent increased risk of leukemia above that expected on the normal population. The highest risk was noted in thyroid cancer, as for the infant girls, they were estimated to be up to seventy- percent than expected over a lifetime. † (BBC website: /news/health- 21614722). The World Health Organization (WHO) experts confirmed that there is a slight increased risk of different cancer types for those people who were exposed to the radiation, including people residing in this area and employees of the plant. Air pollutants come in the form of gases, particles, and chemicals released into the air, motor vehicles are a major air pollutant, the use of one full commuter bus is equivalent to forty cars driving through your neighborhood. Vehicle exhaust contributes to roughly sixty-percent of all carbon monoxide emissions (discharge) nationwide, and up to ninety-five percent in the cities. Air pollution may contribute to asthma and allergy by corrupting protective cells in the human body that tones down immune system reactions, the pollution components seem to also increase overactive immune warriors already linked to allergies that actually require no prompting. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are the product of burning of fuel in diesel engines, furnaces, wood fires, wildfires, and barbeque grills. A new study done by researchers found that children exposed to these high levels of PAHs had poor functioning T-regulatory cells (peacekeeper cells), which normally keeps immune –caused inflammation down. Kari Nadeau, a biochemist and physician at Stanford University, held a study on the effect of air pollution and these PAHs, she and some colleagues obtained blood samples, took in lung function readings, and recorded health information from 153 children at the age of four-teen in Fresno, CA. She sampled airborne PAHs to estimate rates of exposure due to Fresno’s high rate of air pollution levels. Kids with a high exposure made higher amounts of Immunoglobulin E and showed low rates of T regulatory cell function than those exposed to lower levels. It is said that air pollution may harm populations in ways so subtle and slow that it may have gone undetected, these reasons research is being done to determine the long-term effects of chronic exposure to low levels of pollution-what some may experience –as well as to determine the interaction between air pollutants in the body, nutrition (physical factor), stress, alcohol, smoking (tobacco), and medicines. It also has been linked to defects in birth, cancer, and genetic mutations. The Montreal Protocol of 1987required that developed nations signing the accord not to exceed 1986 CFC levels. Several more meetings were held from 1990 to 1997 to adopt agreements to hurry the phasing out of ozone-depleting substances. † Pollution is known to cause holes in the ozone layer in the atmosphere above Antarctica and the Artic. Depletion of the ozone layer can increase the amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth, causing damage to crops and plants as well as causing sk in cancer and cataracts.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Neil Postman: Amusing Ourselves to Death

Neil Postman was a special type of a man and considered that he was not an expert on anything, and yet he was ready to express his opinion on every subject under the sun. The person's mind was continuously working at jokes, headlines and different ideas. This infected an individual when he met Mr. Postman and that could be responded to only with humor, and even that was likely to bring out more ideas. There were a lot of people who knew him – in excess of a hundred thousand or so – had first met his humor. This was also reflected in the books that he wrote. Each of these is also a source of propaganda for his views and written like an essay. The first was â€Å"The Disappearance of Childhood† in 1982, and this was on the infantile nature of American culture. The next book was in 1985 and a satire on entertainment and was named â€Å"Amusing Ourselves to Death†. The last was in 1993 called â€Å"technopoly† and this criticized the fall of culture to technology. He had an excellent intellectual pose along with poise in public meetings and all this rode on the back of his capacity for humor. He always felt that he was the civilized man in a barbaric setting. This setting gradually changed into television and was concerned with the dots, and pursued him all his life. Now let us look at what is this television and how it connects with people. In the United States it first started transmission in New York and the British play, â€Å"The Man with the Flower in His Mouth† was broadcast there in July 1930. Thus one can say that television started off in the heart of United States and the television station was located in South Eastern New York at the mouth of the Hudson River. The station began broadcasting seven days a week on July 21, 1931. This was a television channel or station that broadcast on the terrestrial mode as that was the only mode available then. The bandwidth was then highly confined and this led to a high control by the government. Yet, from the beginning television has been highly used for advertising. Organizing the TV programs that are to be broadcast can be worked out either as a direct production by the manufacturers and then selling to the station that intends to buy it. Sometimes the production itself is paid for by the TV station that will show it. (Television) In other cases the station issues a license to the producers to produce the show for the channel. The show is sometimes carried on in other centers after the show is over on the main channel. In TV terminology this is called secondary programming usage. The secondary shows may be in the original country where the show was produced or in other countries from where the channels are interested in the show. The shows may be controlled by the original producer or not depending on the agreement. Sometimes a group of TV stations run some common programs in their own interest, or through an individual. This is called syndication and the show may be sold by the producers themselves or their agents. Yet with all this it has been seen that doctors recommend that children should only see TV for an hour or two at the maximum in the day. Excess of TV viewing is known to cause various diseases like ADD, excessive weight and heart problems. These may lead to diabetes or excess aggression. Thus it is clear that viewing of Television is not recommended in a high dosage for anybody, and the problem in our country is made worse by the situation of having a number of stations at every town or city due to the possibility of multiple channels being available now. These channels can also be seen on the set through a cable and the customer only has to pay a monthly fee. This is the problem that was envisaged by Postman quite a few years ago, and possibly he foresaw the worsening of the situation due to the advent of cable TV. The problem was also made clear by the decline of the family in the country and as a result the children are being left with only one parent. Most of the time, the single parent is working and is not able to attend to the child when the child comes back from school. These let the child free with the television and see any program of their choice. (Television) Neil Postman is an authority on children and has written many books about different subjects. These are mostly concentrated on education, as he was a teacher himself. He has written on the crisis in the schools, the effect of Television on our public and political life and the nature of modern childhood and education. He has taken the position of conscientiously objecting to whatever he saw being harmful to the society. In certain cases he has pointed out institutionalized mistakes or organizational stupidity and asked for their solution. Throughout the West, there has been the concept of three stages in life – infancy, childhood and adulthood. This had gone undisturbed for 350 years, but is now being questioned by a new element in the communicational facilities – television. This is seriously disturbing as the contents of life that would be normally faced by adults are now being made open to the children through this new medium. The children do not have to go through the portals of adulthood for reaching this information. Earlier this was being protected by the adults through certain secrets that are known to adults, but not revealed to children till they reached the appropriate age. These secrets are the social, political and sexual secrets that an adult must know. At the same time Television reveals all these secrets at once, and this makes it difficult to control the socialization of the young among themselves. This is making the young less discernible from adults. Stirring Up Trouble about Technology, Language, and Education) In the past there was a time when alcoholism was seen only among adults, and not at all among children. Today it is common to see child alcoholics. The same situation exists among children for drugs and it is quite common among children. The same situation exists for sex and sexual disease and this is seen from the total crime statistics. There are a number of figures that show the young being involved in crime today while this was not the situation even in 1959 as the figures for crime by people under the age of 18 shows. Thus it is clear that television is making the concept of childhood as being different from adulthood being different extremely difficult to sustain in North America, and childhood is disappearing from that region of the world. At the same time, there some parents who are well off and if they know what is happening to the child may still provide him or her with a childhood. This requires the parents to be very careful on the influences of the media on the child, among other factors. The problem is that not many parents can meet those conditions, and the influence of television among media is still rising. As mentioned earlier, there are many single parent houses in America and their difficulties have already been discussed. Even when there are two parents, both of them are working at the same time and that stops them from being able to give enough time to the children for socializing. This transfers the socializing exercise to the television set, and many of them are unable to control the channels that the children see or what films they see, or even know what records they have. These activities require the parents to have a lot of time for the child, and advise the child. Yet not many parents find the time for that. Thus for the children to have a childhood, the parents must spend a lot of time with the child. On the other hand many parents are too busy and there children get the required education from the advertising of NBC, CBS, Steven Spielberg, Coca-Cola and Proctor and Gamble. In certain countries television is being controlled – Denmark. They have now limited the extent of commercials that an advertiser supported station can have. These stations are not permitted to have advertisements on cigarettes, liquor, beer, banks, medicine, religious organizations, political organizations, or even advertisements aimed at children. Also, in Denmark, the television operates for the full 24 hours in a day. But, it is not possible for this to happen in the United States as the Americans would feel it is very restrictive, apart from the ideology of the present day administration. The present day administration may even be called the extreme type of free market supporters. This has not started today and even Ronald Reagan was not conservative, and he was probably as oriented to the free market as is the present President Bush. They are all willing to get as much out of technology as possible in terms of gains of dollars. Thus there is no chance of any restriction being put on the hours of operation of the Television through any social policy. This attitude goes on in Americans well beyond the limits of television and is being applied by them even in the case of computer technology. The issue is not of one particular technology, but the general question of using technology for financial gain to extreme limits, or no limits. (Stirring Up Trouble about Technology, Language, and Education) It can be said that in the exploitation of technology, there are no limits in America and they generally do not have any concerns about the psychological and social effects. They are just interested in knowing what the new technology can do. They are not concerned about the effects of the new technology in changing the social or cultural behaviors of the citizens. This is reflected in Sesame Street which makes the children get more attached to television than school. The concerned program is well prepared and makes the maximum possible use of a visual image based medium. When the makers of the program say that the program will make the children like school it is only right in the sense that the children will like school if it is a show like Sesame Street. The show is probably helping the children learn the elements that are taught in school like the letters and the numbers, yet at the same time, it is also giving the children some built in impressions about school. This is teaching the children that school must be entertaining, and that images have to form the basic of learning. It also gives the children that feeling that learning is immediately rewarded by getting of rewards in some form or the other. The impressions which are built into the children turn out to be more important than the learning that they get, and that is the problem. The children learn the numbers and letters in other forms also, and that also happens within the expected time, but the normal learning process does not build in these difficulties. It is often said that these methods of education make the children more intelligent, but that is a moot question to answer as the differences in intelligence are hard to define and their benefits are also hard to judge. The question of intelligence is easy to be used, as nobody probably understands what we are trying to say, but it is much easier to understand when we say that a person is stupid. It is possible that the technology available in the computer will help the technology of printing to a large extent, and that would be a service. It also increases the thinking by the children as to program a computer the child has to think quite a lot. Yet the total effect that this would cause is rather difficult to guess. (Stirring Up Trouble about Technology, Language, and Education) Technological development has had a very big impact and much more so when the development has been on the matters of information and communication. They have great impacts in terms of socialization, ways of thinking and methods of learning. A lot of these changes have taken place in the latter part of the 20th century and this brings up the question of defining the new Child of the Information Age. Some people may be defining all the children of today as Children of the Information Generation with television, computer games and video games. This had also been the thinking of Neil Postman, and he believed that this made the child cross puberty physically but never reach maturity. Thus they loose their childhood but are then are lost to mankind. The phrase â€Å"technology development† normally refers to the development of tools and these are being developed from the time that men have started on the path to development. (Children of the Information Age: A Reversal of Roles) Until the seventeenth century, tools of a more primitive kind were being used by all civilizations. Not that all countries were using the same tools and some had only spears and cooking utensils available to them. On the other side, others had water mills, coal and horse power. At the same time, these tools were not intended to change the civilization which had brought them into existence, and they were not intended to attack. Thus the tools did not stop people from believing in their versions of god, politics, and methods of education or their methods of social organization. (Kaplan, 34) Some cultures and religions believe that television is intruding into their religion and the use of television is banned by some sections of believers in Islam in some parts of the world. In the world of today, children and adults see the same movies thanks to television and highlighted by Postman. They all get into telephone romances; get informed about the same pop music and the same computer games. These come through both the television and the computer. This results in the adults never growing up and becoming more childish as time goes on. The children become more mature as they are exposed to all matters of adulthood, or at least seem so. This adulthood is only superficial and not emotional, as the amount of information to be passed on to the child should be passed on in a controlled manner by the concerned adult, as otherwise, the concept of being a child will end. This gradually stops the clear line of demarcation between adults and children, and the sense of independence and responsibility also becomes unclear. This is highlighted by Postman who describes the present day children as living between illusion and realty. This has also made the adults loose most of their authority, and it is a world without borders. (Children of the Information Age: A Reversal of Roles) In truth these makes them totally dependent for all the time, and never grow up into adults. Yet the children of the present day differ a lot from the children of earlier years and they consist of a larger section of the people who come to the net regularly. This is quite understandable as the net is a part of their life which has never been the case with their parents. In studies it has been seen that as much as 73% of the American population between the ages of 12-17 use the Internet regularly and the study was in June 2001. These children also certainly have a care in the world for the world that they live in. One of their main contributions is through the creation of web sites for helping others. Jason Fernandez from Mumbai had built a site which supported children with learning disabilities along with their parents and teachers. This is a site for common good. The new facility of Internet has made it possible for everybody to publish his or her work. This is irrespective of age, gender, or education. The control is not with groups of people that existed in earlier generations where the work could only go out in the printed format. This change will also bring in other changes in the methods of learning, working and social structure. (Children of the Information Age: A Reversal of Roles) Postman had been concerned that the importance of all items was being reduced by television – be it politics, religion, news, athletic education or commerce. This was how we were amusing ourselves to death. It also showed that image was viewed as more important than content, and television was the master of images. (Neil Postman's amusing ourselves to Death) If Postman were to now concentrate on the newer developments he would write on the Internet. To be negative, the Internet contains a lot of false information, and this would hurt the beliefs of a normal human being. But this is also something that we learn while growing up into adults from childhood, and is not necessarily negative. (Final Project Paper: Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman) To conclude, one can thus say that while television makes the audience less responsible and childish, the Internet makes the audience more apparently mature. It is up to the audience to carry the work further, and not live for their own life, abandoning the responsibility of the children that they created.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

towards Vietnam

In 1961, under the President-ship of Kennedy, America took the middle path as considered to be the most conducive policy to solve crises in Vietnam. This middle path included sending of machinery and advisors instead of large-scale troops as was suggested in White Paper or as was being recommended by his advocators on a negotiation table. This decision proved futile as it accorded the increase in the chances of success of NLF.As more and more news began to pour in, tension arose in Kennedy’s government machinery and they escalated upon a plan of providing â€Å"Safe Hamlets† to the villagers developed by GVN. The main purpose was to segregate them from NLF, but this strategy too did not head to in any direction, as this resulted in alienating villagers further from the Saigon regime. This policy though helped GVN in reaching countryside yet ironically produced more cadres for the NLF. The years of war between 1963- 1968 in Vietnam were considered to be the years of Esca lation and Americanization.In 1963, as NLF was heading towards victory, Diem’s brother, Ngo Dinh Nhu, attacked Buddhist pagodas of South Vietnam; this resulted in massive protests on the streets of Saigon, and several Buddhist monks committed self-immolation. This made Kennedy to send in coup in the same year. But some of the Diem’s own generals in the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) approached Kennedy seeking request to overthrow Diem and on 1st November 1963, Deim and his brother was arrested and then later killed.But after three weeks, President Kennedy too was assassinated at Dallas. At the time of his assassination, there were 16,000 advisors. Though Kennedy’s policy was not much successful yet he was able to continue his war with very little military intervention, but as soon as new president, Lyndon Baines Johnson took over, his conviction and policy made him to show world, the military might of America. He took the firm stand and urged for attaini ng more powers after the raid of DAV on two of US ships in the Gulf of Tonkin shook him.But looking at the strategies being adopted by Communists parties creating hindrances in the war as well as in the political efforts of United States, the Johnson administration too advocated what they termed as â€Å"cold blood† strategy- a war but with very little resources and little effect on their own nation. But this also proved futile, as this war created an adverse effect on their domestic front to the extent that Mr. Johnson was forced to think on the domestic consequences of his every major decision.In 1964, Washington had made all the plans to send all military strengths as retaliation to Tonkin Gulf incident. By 1968, situation became worse when DRV and the NLF led unified attacks on the most important southern cities, which were known as Tet offensive in the West; its main purpose was to coax Johnson to sit on for negotiations. Though communists were defeated in battle yet it was psychological victory for them. As Johnson was totally burdened by the heavy weight of war and secondly opposition from his home front made him take a decision that made all the exercises of previous Presidents futile.He decided not to support re-nomination of Democratic Party for president and was ready to go in for negotiations with communists to put an end to war. In 1968, secret negotiations were started to end the war but soon Republican challenger Nixon took over the charge of President-ship who professed to have a secret plan to put an end to war. But this secret plan was nothing else then the strategic moves of Lyndon Johnson. He began what was termed as process of â€Å"Vietnamization† to bring to the ears of his own force that no Vietnamese was fighting in jungles of Southeast Asia and dying there.This made the substitution of air wars over the American troops who returned home. Nixon increased the air attacks over DRV and for ground battle sent, ARVN. He also a ttacked Laus and Cambodia to put a barrier and an end to the communists supply routes and their safe sanctuaries. This was violation of the international rights of these countries. The air war had a little or no effect on Communists, but they continued with their efforts to make more and more demands in Paris. Though Nixon’s approach made critics quite but his repeated attacks as a protective cover for the retreat of American troops irritated U.S citizens and paved the path for the U. S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and DRV representatives Xuan Thuy and Le Duc to think on peaceful lines of Paris. Many owe the strategic failure to President Lyndon Johnson’s policies, as it was during his tenure that America saw most of casualties. But according to Jeffrey Kimball, President Nixon was responsible for these states of affairs. He wrote in his much thought provoking book â€Å"Nixon's Vietnam War 1998†, that President Nixon must be held, responsible and account able, for the failure.It was quite true that America made wrong assessment of the strong folds of North Vietnamese in their soil and tried to resolve the problem with military strength, which was in itself a wrong move. Kimball argued that when Nixon took over the office, he was aware of the fact that this war could not be won militarily yet he resorted for war because only by showing their might, they could force Hanoi into negotiations favorable to Nixon’s view of honorable peace. His statement was based on the United States interest at the international level and on owing to his reelection. 4 Accordingly they wanted to endorse the President-ship of Thieu.This device was a strategy to take America out of Vietnam on certain terms, but there were many uncertain in-linking parts like risk from China, several schemes of negotiations, effect on societies and Vietnamization etc, and all did not prove to be as effective as was supposed to be. He believed his political success to b e based on the mad man theory: the efforts to make his enemies think that his opposition for communism was so strong that he could go to any extent like put in maximum force that would not only be accordingly disproportionate in size but also extremely dangerous.5 Along with this, there was certain element of uncertainty, a policy forcing enemies to think on multitude lines on one subject to confuse them. The years, 1962 to1969 were the years of great dissatisfaction and American’s strategic misnomers on the Vietnam soils. Vietnam passing through the strategic influence of three American regimes only retaliated harsher. Though the Nixon policy also could not be considered as full success yet his strategy at least paved the path for both himself and Kissinger think that the best they could have done was to promise Thieu government a â€Å"decent interval† 6 of security once Americans would leave Vietnam.Bibliography Brigham, Robert, Battlefield Vietnam: A Brief History, PBS. org. , (1 March 2008) Daum, Andreas Gardner, Lloyd and Mausbach, Wilfried, America, the Vietnam War, and the World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Kimball, Jeffrey, Nixon’s Vietnam War 1998, Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 1998.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Overview and Criticisms of Andragogy

Andragogy, the art and scientific discipline of learning grownups, is based on a set of nucleus premises about why and how grownups learn. The first premise is that grownups are autonomous ( Knowles, 1984 ) . As a consequence, grownups learn best when their acquisition procedure can be autonomous, instead than centered in a traditional, dependent educational environment. Second, grownups have both a greater figure of experiences from which to larn and a wider assortment of experiences upon which they can pull ( Knowles, 1984 ) . Third, grownup function development plays an of import portion in spurring acquisition in grownups ( Knowles, 1984 ) . For illustration, as a individual ages and takes on new functions such as that of a attention supplier to a kid or an aged parent, that person has the demand to larn new accomplishments. A 4th premise is that, because grownup acquisition is straight related to adult development, grownup acquisition is focused on work outing jobs or executing new undertakings ( Knowles, 1984 ) . Finally, Knowles ( 1984 ) assumes that grownups are chiefly driven by internal incentives and non external forces. Criticisms of Andragogy Both Lee ( 2003 ) and Sandlin ( 2005 ) describe multiple reviews of Knowles ‘ ( 1984 ) five premises. Lee ( 2003 ) challenges andragogy on the footing that it falsely incorporates the importance of context. Harmonizing to Lee ( 2003 ) , andragogy is an individualistic construct, concentrating merely on the context a learner brings from his or her ain experiences. Andragogy fails to see that the person does non be in a vacuity and that persons have many individualities that may â€Å" impact their positions of acquisition and ways of battle in the acquisition procedure † ( Lee, 2003, p. 12 ) . Sandlin ( 2005 ) undertook an integrative literature reappraisal that found that critical theoreticians found andragogy to be missing in five major and interconnected ways. First, andragogy dainties education as a impersonal, nonpolitical activity. Second, the full construct is based on a â€Å" generic † scholar who tends to be white, male, and in-between category. Third, andragogy appears to value merely one manner of knowing and ignores voices that do non suit into the theory. Fourth, the construct is about wholly individualistic, disregarding the importance of context. Finally, andragogy does non dispute the prevalent societal construction, even if that societal construction promotes inequality ( Sandlin, 2005 ) .My PremisesIn developing my ain premises for andragogy, I have incorporated non merely the reviews presented by Lee ( 2003 ) and Sandlin ( 2005 ) but besides those based on my ain experiences as an grownup scholar and as a instructor of grownups. Most of them refl ect the simple fact that worlds are frequently complicated. My first premise is that grownups may be self-directed in their acquisition journeys, but they may besides elect to set about a acquisition procedure because they are directed to make so by an external force. This premise addresses Sandlin ‘s ( 2005 ) review that andragogy is based on the thought that there is a generic scholar. Men and adult females may hold really different grounds for desiring to larn certain things, for illustration. As an pedagogue, it is of import to listen to the voices of your pupils. Second, grownups may hold been about longer but that does non intend they are capable of larning from their experiences. Most people go through life holding experience after experience, but non all of those experiences are capable of supplying a minute of larning. In add-on, non everyone is interested in or capable of believing about their experiences in such a manner as to larn something from them. This premise incorporates the unfavorable judgment that andragogy, as it was originally presented, merely valued one manner of larning – that of larning from experience ( Sandlin, 2005 ) . A 3rd premise is that grownups may larn non merely to develop the accomplishments and cognition needed for a new developmental function but besides to turn to a demand within their community. This premise addresses the concerns of both Lee ( 2003 ) and Sandlin ( 2005 ) that andragogy is excessively focused on the person and non focused plenty on the societal context of the person or on the demand for persons to turn to unfairness in community. At times, our communities may name us to set about a new function for which we need new accomplishments. In other instances, an grownup might see a job within the community and put out to larn what is needed in order to work towards a solution. Andragogy must admit that larning is non merely about the person. A 4th premise is that grownups might desire to larn to work out jobs but they might besides larn merely because larning is merriment. Again, this is a reaction to the unfavorable judgment that andragogy posits a generic scholar ( Sandlin, 2005 ) . Adults learn for many grounds. An grownup who is researching a new avocation or larning a new athletics may non really be trying to work out a job. Rather, they may be larning because it is fun to make. Finally, grownups might hold multiple motives for larning peculiar things at specific times. We may so be driven to larn for a sense of interior accomplishment, but we may besides be driven to larn so that we can conflict our kid ‘s school territory when they deny our kid something he or she needs. Learning can be a extremely political activity and acquisition can take to political activity ( Sandlin, 2005 ) . Andragogy should ne'er presume that grownup motive to larn is entirely driven by internal demands and desires. Using grounds you select from your readings explicate how race, gender and sexual orientation can impact grownup development or acquisition. Please supply CONCRETE illustrations of EACH positionality ( e.g. one illustration for race, one illustration for gender, and one illustration for sexual orientation ) . ( Hint: Narratives from Adult Learning and Development: Multicultural Narratives may be a good topographic point to get down when seeking to reply this inquiry. ) ( 3 points ) Race, gender, and sexual orientation, in add-on to other personal identifiers such as category, can positively and negatively affect both grownup development and acquisition. In this essay, I briefly examine several concrete illustrations of the relationship between development or acquisition and a scholar ‘s race or cultural individuality, gender, and sexual orientation.Race and Ethnic IdentityRace and cultural individuality can impact larning in a assortment of ways. First, race and cultural individuality can act upon what is of import or proper for an person to larn. La Tortillera, a short narrative by Patricia Preciado Martin ( 2000 ) , provides a good illustration of how race and gender intersect in finding what it is proper for, in this instance, a Latina to larn. In this civilization, it is of import for a adult female and a female parent to larn how to do tortillas for her household. Her female parent shows Ms. Martin over and over once more how to do tortillas, even th ough Ms. Martin finds the tortilla doing lessons to be thwarting non merely because she can ne'er acquire them merely right but besides because they are a reminder of her insufficiencies as a Latina adult female and a female parent. How persons of specific races and cultural individualities are treated can besides play a critical function in how persons experience acquisition. Because of racism, minority pupils are less likely to finish postsecondary instruction ( Swail, 2003 ) . Unfortunately, in a racialist and classist system, minorities frequently attend ill funded schools that lack modern equipment and text editions or that are insecure. If they enroll in college or in an big instruction plan, they may still hold to cover with the long-run effects of racism. Over 50 % of Black alumnus pupils, for illustration, reported being the marks of racist actions on campus and experienced â€Å" isolation, solitariness, disjunction, and favoritism † as a consequence ( Johnson-Bailey, Valentine, Cervero, & A ; Bowles, 2009, p. 192 ) . The affect of racism on larning need non be wholly negative, nevertheless. Developing a strong sense of ego in the face of racism can take scholars to reengage with their civilizations and communities. â€Å" Such bitterness can be directed by more deeply prosecuting with and repossessing one ‘s civilization, history, and heritage, and thereby redefining what it means to be ‘me, ‘ instead than defined ( be either oneself or the dominant civilization ) harmonizing to what one is non aˆÂ ¦ â€Å" ( Smith & A ; Taylor, 2010, p. 53 ) .GenderGender can besides present challenges to the development and larning experiences of adult females and work forces. In the acquisition environment she was analyzing, Cain ( 2002 ) described a state of affairs in which a really traditional power moral forces based on gender developed. The adult females attempted to develop consensus among all participants, while a little group of males took over the meetings and ignored the voic es of everyone else in the room. The lessons for all involved were tragic. â€Å" The importance of this for acquisition is that so many of the initial participants, including all the adult females, learned that their parts were non valued and they quit the group † ( Cain, 2000, p. 70 ) . The work forces ‘s developmental procedure had taught them that their voices were the most of import, and, as a consequence, they ignored and alienated other voices that could hold brought a great trade of cognition to the work. Another illustration that shows how gender can act upon the acquisition experiences of work forces and adult females can be seen in Michael Dorris ‘ ( 2000 ) short narrative Groom Service. In the narrative, Bernard and Marie both exhibit behaviours they have learned as the appropriate behaviours for their gender. What Bernard learns, in peculiar, is described in the narrative. Bernard ‘s accomplishments include runing. â€Å" Subsequently he thought about hunting, how he could hold succeeded the times he had failed, how the animate beings behaved, how they smelled and sounded † ( Dorris, 2000, p. 219 ) . Bernard besides learns proper behaviour around his hereafter in-laws, with whom he will populate in this matrilinear society.Sexual OrientationLike race and gender, sexual orientation can both positively and negatively affect development and acquisition. For illustration, if they are non â€Å" out † to their household, friends, or instructors, sapphic, bise xual, homosexual, and transgender ( LGBT ) pupils may endure from anxiousness about their sexual orientation ( Messinger, 2004 ) . They may make up one's mind to remain in the cupboard because they fear that being unfastened about their orientation might take to violence against them ( Messinger, 2004 ) . They may besides fear that their parents will retreat fiscal and emotional support from them ( Freedman, 2009 ) . As with persons who grow stronger by confronting racism, pupils who develop strong self-identities in the face of homophobia can come through the experience stronger. They frequently show a more extremely developed sense of empathy and better critical thought accomplishments than those who have non had to confront the same challenges ( Messinger, 2004 ) . You have taken Howard Gardner ‘s Multiple Intelligence Test online. You are in charge of developing resident hall helpers. Their highest multiple intelligence is one of your underside three intelligences based on your trial consequences. List your group ‘s acquisition manner and supply a class rubric ( .25 point ) Supply one class aim ( see the CAHA 501 class course of study or seek information on the cyberspace to decently word a class nonsubjective if you do non hold experience composing aims ) . ( .75 point ) Describe how you would learn that nonsubjective to your pupils based on their learning manner. Use concrete illustrations ( at least two ) and do a clear and direct connexion between the acquisition manner and accomplishing the instruction of your aim. ( 2 points )Learning Styles and My Training CourseMy underside three intelligences were societal ( 3.14 ) , body motion ( 3.00 ) , and spacial ( 3.00 ) . For the intents of this essay, my resident hall helpers will be strongest in bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. Learners that excel in bodily-kinesthetic intelligence frequently use parts of their organic structure or their full organic structure as they work through the acquisition procedure ( Smith 2002, 2008 ) . As a consequence, they learn best through hands-on exercisings, including edifice things and function playing ( Armstrong, 2009 ) . The class I will be offering them as portion of their preparation is â€Å" Helping the International Student Transition to American Higher Education. † The class aim is to develop empathy among resident hall helpers for the challenges that international pupils face when get downing college in the United States.Training ExercisesArmstrong ( 2009 ) suggests that one method to prosecute pupils with strong kinaesthetic acquisition intelligence is to function drama or move out what you want them to larn. To assist resident hall helpers gain a better apprehension of what it is like to be an international pupil go toing college in the United States for the first clip, I will offer a function playing exercising. In the exercising, the scholars will draw a scenario out of a chapeau. They will hold to function drama either an international pupil confronting a barrier or challenge or a resident hall helper tasked with assisting the pupil work through the state of affairs. An illustratio n of one scenario that the trainees might move out would be that of a South Korean female pupil who has been harassed by other pupils for walking arm in arm with her female friends. While this is a common behaviour for immature adult females in South Korea, in the United States, it can put pupils up for homophobic torment. The function of the occupant hall helper in this scenario would be to assist the South Korean pupil understand why they are being harassed and to speak through schemes for covering with the negative emotions torment can breed and for advancing personal safety. Another function drama might affect moving like an Ethiopian pupil who has enrolled in a northern college without cognizing that winter vesture, like a coat, is needed. This exercising advances the nonsubjective by assisting the pupils function play a state of affairs in which they take on the character of an international pupil confronting a realistic job. As portion of the preparation plan, I would state the occupant helpers that tiffin will be provided to them. The intent of the tiffin, nevertheless, is to offer them another kinaesthetic acquisition chance. Another manner in which to advance improved acquisition by kinaesthetic scholars is to prosecute them in hands-on activities or, in this instance, a oral cavity and stomach-centered activity ( Armstrong, 2009 ) . Our tiffin would be set up like the cafeteria at an American university. The nutrient would non be labeled, and they would stand for assorted nutrients that are eaten around the universe that might be unusual to American pupils. For illustration, there might be nutrients such as curried caprine animal, lingua greaser, stewed okra, natto ( fermented soya beans ) , blood pudding, kifte ( extremely spiced natural beef ) , kim qi ( spicy fermented veggies ) , and bread fruit and drinks like horchata and ginger beer. Sing such a counter might be disorientating to scholars who are steeped in American civilization and who are used to school bill of fares of pizza and beefburgers. This exercising provides pupils with a concrete, hands-on acquisition experience, that of being forced to choose and eat nutrients that are unusual without any anterior experience or counsel ( McKenzie, 1999 ) . It promotes the nonsubjective by leting the occupant hall helper to see what an international pupil might see the first twenty-four hours in the cafeteria. You have taken the Emotional Intelligence Test online. a ) Argue for or against the usage of emotional intelligence trials in engaging. You need to mention at least TWO ( 2 ) beginnings outside class stuffs to back up your reply. ( 2 points ) I find the thought of emotional intelligence to be extremely attractive. â€Å" Emotional intelligence is a set of abilities that includes the abilities to perceive emotions in the ego and in others, usage emotions to ease public presentation, understand emotions and emotional cognition, and modulate emotions in the ego and in others † ( Mayer & A ; Salovey, 1997 ) . Even though the construct of emotional intelligence presently is supported as a â€Å" separate concept of intelligence † by small empirical grounds ( Merriam, Caffarella, & A ; Baumgartner, 2007, p. 383 ) , I find that this theoretical account speaks to me because it argues for the importance of a really of import portion of life that is frequently denigrated or denied. How we interact and perceive the universe is non merely cold and rational, but instead our emotions play an of import portion in how we perceive the universe and how we learn and make significance. Dirkx ( 2008 ) argues that â€Å" emotional issues ne'er seem really far from the surface in grownup acquisition contexts † ( p. 9 ) . Emotions can impact how the pupil reacts to a schoolroom puting. They can besides impact, positively or negatively, how good an single learns, particularly if a scholar is scared or fearful ( Rager, 2009 ) . In add-on, struggles between scholars can make negative emotions that negatively impact the ability to larn ( Dirkx, 2008 ) . Having emotional intelligence can break aid scholars understand non merely their ain acquisition procedure but besides can assist them understand what their fellow scholars are traveling through. The usage of emotional intelligence trials in hiring, nevertheless, is a different affair. Does emotional intelligence play an of import function in an person ‘s ability to be a good employee? Is it perchance to accurately prove an person ‘s emotional intelligence? The usage of emotional intelligence trials in hiring is turning, yet the cogency of the trials is problematic ( Grubb & A ; McDaniel, 2007 ) . There is no uncertainty that emotional intelligence can be helpful in the workplace. Cote and Miners ( 2006 ) found that workers who had low cognitive abilities could be extremely successful workers if they had strong emotional intelligence to counterbalance for their lacks in other countries. However, the ability to accurately prove for emotional intelligence and to happen a trial that could non be â€Å" faked out † continues to be hard. Grubb and McDaniel ( 2007 ) found that, at least with one peculiar emotional intelligence trial, the EQ-i: Second, it was possible to learn trial takers how to â€Å" forge † emotional intelligence. In their experiment, they found that imposters could be identified in merely 31 % of the instances, but â€Å" most of the respondents were able to increase their mark by forging and non be identif ied † ( Grubb & A ; McDaniel, 2007, p. 56 ) . Of what usage is a trial that can be so easy deceived? On the other manus, other research workers have found emotional intelligence trials to be really utile in engaging patterns. In one survey, the research workers found that emotional intelligence trials were advantageous to minority trial takers, as they tended to hit higher in emotional intelligence than Caucasians ( Van Rooy, Alexander, & A ; Chockalingam, 2005 ) . If engaging were based on emotional intelligence trials with the engaging single unaware of the race of the trial taker, minority appliers might be more likely to be hired, whereas in traditional hiring state of affairss they are more likely to non be hired due to racism. When I took the emotional intelligence trial online, I was extremely dismayed by the consequences, which indicated that I had below mean emotional intelligence. I found this distressing because I have spent most of my calling working in places that require a high grade of emotional intelligence ( ability to read people, empathy ) and I have been really successful in my work. Have I been forging emotional intelligence this full clip or did I merely non make good in the proving environment? Or was the trial itself faulty? In the terminal, I believe that the construct of emotional intelligence is of import to see in the workplace. In many places, holding emotional intelligence is cardinal to or supports success. However, emotional intelligence trials remain debatable and should be used merely with great cautiousness. Ultimately, whether or non person has the emotional intelligence needed for any given place will merely be determined by detecting that single ‘s public presentation on the occupation. As the testing instruments are developed and refined, possibly this fact will alter, but for now, to establish a determination on whether or non to engage a given person on the footing of an emotional intelligence trial is non in the best involvements of employer or employee. 5. Situated knowledge is a subject of involvement in big instruction and it has been used in many scenes. Following are inquiries refering located knowledge. Compare ( state the similarities between ) and contrast ( state the differences between ) situated knowledge and experiential acquisition. ( 1 point ) In the narrative â€Å" Talking to the Dead † by Watanabe, explicate what type ( s ) of larning occur for supporter ( e.g. experiential, located knowledge, brooding pattern ) and support your reply by binding it to grounds in your readings. ( 1 point ) Situated knowledge and experiential acquisition are closely related. However, the primary topographic point of societal interaction and societal relationships as a demand of larning in societal knowledge delineates the two theories from each other. It is the importance of the societal interactions in Watanabe ‘s ( 2000 ) narrative, Talking to the Dead, that indicate that the type of larning the supporter experienced falls under the class of located knowledge.Situated Cognition and Experiential LearningOne of the most outstanding theories of grownup instruction, experiential acquisition addresses how grownups make significance or learn from their experiences ( Zepke & A ; Leach, 2002 ) . There are five major schools of idea that autumn under experiential acquisition theory. The first is the constructivist theoretical account, in which scholars participate in a brooding procedure in order to develop new apprehensions ( Merriam et al. , 2007 ) . The situative theoretical account p ostulates that larning happens as the scholar participates in activities, such as larning on the occupation ( Merriam et al. , 2007 ) . The psychoanalytic theoretical account believes that the emotions of the scholar, peculiarly those that inhibit acquisition, must be dealt with in order for larning to happen, and the critical theoretical account believes that larning happens when the scholar challenges the bulk civilization ( Merriam et al. , 2007 ) . Finally, the complexness theoretical account posits that larning happens when persons compare and contrast what multiple experiences teach them ( Merriam et al. , 2007 ) . Like experiential acquisition, situated knowledge involves a scholar deriving new understanding from lived experience. One illustration of located knowledge, the cognitive apprenticeship, makes this clear. In this procedure, larning can ne'er be separated â€Å" from the state of affairs in which the acquisition is presented † ( Merriam et al. , 2007, p. 178 ) . The acquisition happens in the experience. The experience of the topographic point itself is of import to the procedure of acquisition. â€Å" The physical and societal experiences and state of affairss in which scholars find themselves and the tools they use in that experience are built-in to the full acquisition procedure † ( Merriam et al. , 2007, p. 178 ) . Experiential acquisition besides focuses on â€Å" making the undertaking in order to larn it † ( Hansman, 2001, p. 46 ) . Situated knowledge, nevertheless, â€Å" is inherently societal in nature. The nature of the interactions among scholars, the tools they use within these interactions, the activity itself, and the societal context in which the activity takes topographic point form acquisition † ( Hansman, p. 45 ) . Experiential larning theory might affect a societal constituent but does non needfully necessitate it.Learning to Talk to the DeadIn seeking to find what type of larning the supporter of Watanabe ‘s ( 2000 ) narrative Talking to the Dead experienced, I felt it of import to believe about what it was that she was truly larning. On the surface, it appears that she was larning the procedure of fixing the organic structures of the dead. However, at a deeper degree, the supporter is really larning about proper societal relationships – between maestro and learner, between female parents and kids, between co-workers, and between the life and the dead ( Watanabe, 2000 ) . With t his in head, I believe that the supporter participated in located knowledge. Neither her acquisition procedure nor what she learned can be separated for the societal experience ( Hansman, 2001 ) . As in a cognitive apprenticeship, her larning merely came approximately because she learned in a specific state of affairs ( Merriam et al. , 2007 ) . Had she learned to embalm organic structures in another topographic point, she ne'er would hold learned that the proper manner to care for Aunty Talking to the Dead was to cremate her cadaver in the traditional manner ( Watanabe, 2000 ) . Every experience she had in larning about the proper relationships between the life and the dead – from the puting out of Mustard to the Blindman and the Blindman ‘s Dog – every societal context in which she found herself and of all time interaction between herself, Aunty, and others in the community contributed to her larning what she needed to larn in order to come to her minute ( Wata nabe, 2000, p. 279 ) . Application of Gerald Grow ‘s SDL Scale to Instruction: Grow ‘s SDL graduated table is enlightening for all pedagogues. This inquiry asks you to use his graduated table. You are an teacher in whatever context you choose. a ) Create a class rubric and one ( 1 ) aim. ( 1 point ) B ) Describe in item how you would learn this aim ( use 2 concrete illustrations ) to a Level 1 and a Level 4 scholar. ( 2 points ) I have for two old ages taught a class titled â€Å" Female Images of the Divine in the West. † My pupils dearly call it the goddess category. The primary aim of the class is to develop the ability to believe critically about how spiritual symbols and imagery impact people ‘s lives – both in the past and in the present. It is a 200-level undergraduate category, and I frequently find that I have a big group of freshman pupils in my category. I besides tend to hold a important figure of non-traditional-age pupils in my category, largely because it is a dark category. It makes for a really interesting group of pupils, stand foring every phase of Grow ‘s ( 1991 ) SDL Scale to Instruction.Teaching Phase 1 LearnersPhase 1 scholars are really dependent and view the teacher as the ultimate authorization on the capable affair ( Grow, 1991 ) . They feel most comfy in environments in which they receive immediate feedback, and they feel most comfy in an environment in w hich the teacher-master dispenses wisdom to the scholar ( Grow, 1991 ) . In working with this type of pupil, the pedagogue needs to happen a manner to assist the pupil addition assurance and get down to derive command over stuff that might be wholly new to them ( Grow, 1991 ( . The first manner I teach to my aim for my Phase 1 scholars is to assist them acknowledge that they know more about images of goddesses than they might believe they do – even if they do non place with any peculiar religion. We do this by speaking about popular civilization word pictures of goddesses. I have discovered that my pupils all seem to adore Xena: Warrior Princess. I have them travel on YouTube and happen cartridge holders from the show that depict the assorted goddesses – Here, Callisto, and Aphrodite to call merely a few. We so read primary texts from the ancient Greeks depicting the goddesses. As a group, we identify similarities and differences between the telecasting word pictures and the word pictures of the ancient Greeks and discourse why the two are frequently different. This treatment frequently leads to a farther treatment about why the goddesses were of import to ancient peoples and starts a semester-long treatment about the topographic point of godd ess imagination in modern times. A 2nd manner I help my Phase 1 pupils is that I give quizzes in category, particularly during the first few hebdomads, and we go over the replies right off. This helps them acquire immediate feedback on their apprehension of the stuff. This activity helps progress the class aim because spiritual symbolism both holds steady and evolves over clip. If they do non derive a solid command of the ancient apprehensions of goddesses, they have great trouble when we begin treatment on whether or non modern figures, such as Princess Diana or Angelina Jolie, serve the same intents in modern society as Artemis or Isis did in antediluvian civilizations.Teaching Phase 4 LearnersPhase 4 scholars are considered to be to the full autonomous ( Grow, 1991 ) . For a autonomous scholar, the pedagogue is person who serves as a adviser, heightening the acquisition work that is delineated and directed by the scholar. Students working at the really highest degrees are frequently autonomous scholars ; surely, a pupil set abouting a major undertaking such as a thesis ought to be able to work as a autonomous scholar ( Grow, 1991 ) . As an teacher of a phase 4 scholar, I personally feel most comfy with the delegator function ( Grow, 1991 ) . In this function, I can work straight with the pupil to detect their involvements and demands, assist them develop a acquisition program, and so run into with them on a regular footing to discourse their advancement and any barriers they have encountered. As portion of their acquisition program, we besides develop together an appraisal program: what will be assessed, what merchandises they are required to bring forth, and by which standard we will measure their advancement ( Zepke & A ; Leach, 2002 ) . Most frequently, the phase 4 pupils I work with and I agree that they will prosecute an independent undertaking that makes a connexion between the antediluvian and the modern. One undertaking involved a pupil who examined the ancient Irish myths of the godly figure Deirdre. She so created an interpretative dance that incorporated environmental, costume, and motion symbols to co nvey the myth to a modern audience. Another pupil undertook a undertaking that looked at the construct of ancient sovereignty goddesses and so used that stuff to analyse the Robert Zemeckis ‘ movie version of Beowulf. When we foremost discussed the undertaking, I suspected she might happen reverberations of sovereignty goddesses in the figure of Grendel ‘s female parent, but she besides, convincingly, found reverberations of the construct in the figure of Wealtheow. I was blown off! My pupil had made an rational find that had wholly escape me. 7. Several writers have constructed theoretical accounts that show autonomous acquisition as a procedure. Construct your ain theoretical account of autonomous acquisition based on your experiences. ( 1 point ) Compare ( state the similarities between ) and contrast ( state the differences between your theoretical account and two of the theoretical accounts found in Merriam, Caffarella and Baumgartner ( 2007 ) ( pp. 110-119 ) . ( 2 points ) Argue for or against the importance of context in the autonomous acquisition procedure utilizing grounds from the literature. ( 1 points ) Specifying autonomous acquisition can be slippery. It is non a self-contained theory of grownup larning but alternatively a group of related constructs and patterns. Among the definitions I most prefer, Caffarella ( 1993 ) defines autonomous acquisition as: a self-initiated procedure of larning that stresses the ability of persons to program and pull off their ain acquisition, an property or feature of scholars with personal liberty as its trademark, and a manner of forming direction in formal scenes that allows for greater scholar control. ( p. 25 ) . Similar to Caffarella ‘s ( 1993 ) definition, Candy ‘s ( 1987 ) definition focuses on the importance of liberty in autonomous acquisition, although the scholar can work in concert with an pedagogue ( as cited in Grow, 1991 ) .My Model of Autonomous LearningMy ain theoretical account of autonomous acquisition is one based on procedure divinity. Process divinity is grounded in alteration, growing, and changeless motion. â€Å" Human and other existences are non things ( substances or kernels ) situated in empty infinite aˆÂ ¦ but are active procedures of all time in relation and passage † ( Christ, 2003, p. 3 ) . Furthermore, as a postmodern divinity, it is structured around the belief that all cognition is contextual and that cognition is shaped and controlled by cultural systems. The ego can ne'er be genuinely independent. â€Å" The individuality of each of us extends over and includes the civilization, society, and civilisation that we participate in. There is no stray, lone ego imprisoned in its ain organic structure † ( Brumbaugh, 1982, p. 3 ) . My theoretical account of autonomous acquisition is one, so, that is based on the thought that worlds, by nature, are spurred to turn and alter. Curiosity is portion of growing and alteration, whether initiated by internal demands and involvements or external demands and forces. Once wonder is sparked, the scholar sees where that wonder takes her or him – either in weaving jets of larning activity or in a sustained acquisition journey. As portion of their autonomous acquisition, the scholar may seek out educational stuffs. The scholar may besides integrate hands-on activities, seting into pattern what has been taken in from the educational stuffs, or take a category to foster reinforce what has been learned from other beginnings. At times, failure may ensue, and the scholar may get down the full procedure once more. If there is success, the scholar may rest for a clip, but be spurred once more subsequently to set about a new acquisition undertaking.Similarities and Differences Between ModelsIn many ways, my theoretical account of autonomous acquisition is non much different from many of the synergistic theoretical accounts described in Merriam et Al. ( 2007 ) . Like those theoretical accounts, my theoretical account is non additive in nature. Curiosity and the acquisition journey will take the scholar where the scholar wants or needs to travel. My theoretical account has the most in common with Spear ‘s theoretical account. First, Spear identifies three elements that spur autonomous acquisition, all of which work with my theoretical account: environmental chance, opportunity, and personal cognition ( as cited in Merriam et al. , 2007 ) . Second, Spear ‘s theoretical account incorporates the thought that autonomous acquisition is non a steady, controlled procedure, but instead one that can go on in tantrums and starts, one that can halt and get down once more, and one that can integrate room for both failure and success ( Merriam et al. , 2007 ) . My theoretical account is least like those proposed by Tough and Knowles. In Tough ‘s theoretical account, autonomous acquisition is calculated and focused on achieving a specific piece of cognition or a accomplishment ( Merriam et al. , 2007 ) . In Knowles ‘ theoretical account, autonomous acquisition is a bit-by-bit procedure focused on work outing a particular job ( Merriam et al. , 2007 ) . My larning theoretical account acknowledges that certain scholars may elect to set about a additive autonomous acquisition procedure focused on work outing a peculiar job, but it does non presume that all autonomous acquisition will follow a similar way. My theoretical account has room for larning for the interest of acquisition and for fulfilling wonder, for the joy of merely being able to state â€Å" Well, you learn something new every twenty-four hours. †Importance of ContextIn all of the theoretical accounts I have examined here, including my ain, context plays a critic al function. First, a scholar ‘s context may find whether or non she or he is interested in or capable of take parting in a autonomous acquisition procedure ( Grow, 1991 ; Zepke & A ; Leach, 2002 ) . Second, context can find the type of resources available to assist with acquisition. For illustration, interior metropolis scholars of colour may non hold entree to all the rich acquisition resources that can be obtained through the Internet. Not merely is the monetary value of a computing machine prohibitive, but the scholar, as the consequence of life in a context, an environment, that is unsupportive, may non hold the computing machine literacy needed to utilize the Internet to seek out information as portion of his or her autonomous acquisition procedure ( Norris & A ; Conceicao, 2004 ) . All in all, context should be a core constituent of autonomous acquisition. 8. Experiential acquisition, autonomous acquisition, and transformative acquisition are three theories of grownup acquisition. What is the â€Å" best † larning theory? Why? Supply grounds from your readings ( and beyond if you so choose ) to back up your points. ( 3 points ) This essay will briefly analyze the chief renters of experiential acquisition, autonomous acquisition, and transformative acquisition. While all three theories have both positive and negative facets, I argue that experiential acquisition is the most flexible and hence the most utile of the three theories for the work of big pedagogues.The Three TheoriesExperiential larning â€Å" is a procedure of doing intending from all experiences-cognitive, emotional, physical, societal and religious † ( Zepke & A ; Leach, 2002, p. 206 ) . Harmonizing to Zepke and Leach ( 2002 ) , experiential acquisition is possibly the most dominant construct in the grownup instruction field, but theoreticians have different thoughts of how the procedure works. Learners can either reflect on experience in order to larn ( constructivist lens ) , learn through take parting in experiences ( situative lens ) , learn by linking with and get the better ofing frights and other emotional barriers ( psychoanalyti c lens ) , learn by challenge the dominate ethos ( critical lens ) , or larn by developing an apprehension of how assorted experiences relate to each other ( complexness lens ) ( Merriam et al. , 2007 ) . Harmonizing to Grow ( 1991 ) , the â€Å" end of the educational procedure is to bring forth autonomous, womb-to-tomb scholars † ( p. 127 ) . Although autonomous acquisition can be hard to specify, Candy ( 1987 ) delineated three features that can be used to set up whether or non learning is autonomous: the scholar possesses autonomy, the acquisition can go on outside of a formal acquisition environment, and the acquisition is directed chiefly by the pupil even if a instructor is involved ( as cited in Grow, 1991 ) . Mezirow ‘s theory of transformational larning postulates that adults see a minute when their beliefs turn out inadequate in understanding the state of affairs in which they find themselves ( Elias & A ; Merriam, 2005 ) . This disorienting quandary forces them to reevaluate their cognition and develop new apprehensions. As a consequence, a transmutation happens, and the single learns and grows ( Elias & A ; Merriam, 2005 ) . Transformative acquisition is an emancipatory procedure in which self-reflection leads to critical consciousness ( Cranton, 2002 ) .The â€Å" Best † TheoryAll of these larning theories have countries of concern. For illustration, scholars may non really have the ability to larn from experience, or they may non hold had experiences that are meaningful ( Brookfield, 1998 ) . On the other manus, scholars may non hold the desire or the ability to direct their ain acquisition procedures ( Zepke & A ; Leach, 2002 ) . Transformative acquisition can be ethic ally disputing. First of wholly, the terminal consequence of transformative acquisition could be a major crisis for the scholar. â€Å" Despite an pedagogue ‘s best purposes, a procedure of transformative acquisition can take to unpredictable and unwilled events † ( Moore, 2005, p. 83 ) . The power derived function between scholar and pedagogue can take to indoctrination ( Moore, 2005 ) . Ultimately, the best acquisition theory is whichever theory best helps the scholar run into his or her educational ends. However, transmutation of the scholar is non a demand of either autonomous or experiential acquisition ; hence, they both may advance greater flexibleness in grownup instruction ( Zepke & A ; Leach, 2002 ) . Autonomous acquisition is less an grownup larning theory and more a related group of patterns and thoughts ( Caffarella, 1993 ) ; as a consequence, it is slightly mussy. It besides does non see as many issues as experiential larning theory does. Experiential acquisition, on the other manus, addresses the procedure of larning non merely from reflecting on and in experience but besides from larning through engagement in experiences ( Zepke & A ; Leach, 2002 ) . It besides addresses of import issues around emotions, cultural context and the scholar ‘s relationship to society, and doing sense of a broad assortment of experiences that may either reinforce or dispute each other ( Merriam et al. , 2007 ) . All in all, experiential acquisition addresses more issues that might impact a scholar ‘s larning experience than the other two theories, and hence, it is the most utile of the theories for grownup pedagogues.